Photography by Morgan Bell
¡Ordena! – Portland Mercado 2024
PORTLAND, OR (August 23-24, 2024) A performance food cart offered a menu of dancing dishes at the Portland Mercado on August 23- 24, 2024. The performance food cart opened for “lunch” 12 PM to 2 PM and “dinner” 5 PM – 7 PM. Diners were able to order specials like the “Romantic Platter” or “House Salad with Tango Dressing” delivered to their table and performed live. During the winter, Portland Mercado was severely impacted by the fire that burned through the main building. Multnomah county firefighters responded to the fire started in one of the small businesses located in the Market Hall. A few of the food cart vendors sustained significant damage and had to close temporarily. Hacienda CEO Ernesto Fonseca mentions on Oregon Live, “…On the upper floor, pipes are melted, electricity’s out, second floor windows exploded because of the heat. Everything is affected.”
10% of all proceeds from the performance cart went towards construction costs for rebuilding the interior spaces at the Mercado which were damaged by the fire.
Choreography by
Heidi Duckler